Mobile pregnancy Massage In Saffron Walden Essex also covering the nearby areas of Bishop Stortford, Thaxted, Stansted, Takeley & Great Dunmow
A special massage for Mums to be (over 12 weeks). This massage takes place in a side lying position. Every care is taken to find a comfortable position for you and pillows are used support your beautiful bump. Mobile Massage during pregnancy is important because it promotes relaxation which improves the health and general well-being of both the mother and baby. Whilst pregnancy is an exciting time, it puts a lot of pressure on your body physically, mentally and emotionally and your muscles, ligaments and joints can become strained as a result.
For further information & pricelists for pregnancy massage in saffron Walden please click here to view our pregnancy massage information page.
Mobile Pregnancy massage appointments at home across London, Essex, Kent , Hertfordshire & Suffolk available between 7am and 10pm , 7 days a week
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